A Pass Education is based in Union Lake, MI. They partner with publishers, K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, corporations, associations, and other educational/training stakeholders to provide customized, high-quality content.

Position: General Higher Education Assessment Writer; K-12 Science, Social Studies, Math, or ELA Associate


General Higher Education Assessment Writer

Qualifications are a bachelor’s degree or higher, item writing experience, and availability to write and respond to editorial requests about 2-5 hours per day. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

K-12 Science, Social Studies, Math, or ELA Associate

Qualifications are a degree related to the subject area, K-12 teaching experience, item writing experience, and availability to write and respond to editorial requests about 2-5 hours per day. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of DOK levels, Common Core, and/or NGSS.

Interested? Apply here.

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