Position: English Teacher

Number of students:

Classes are one-on-one to meet 100% of each student’s needs. Teachers teach any student who books their class. VIPKID has developed its own education platform to facilitate one-on-one classes.

Class materials: 
VIPKID curriculum team has already designed materials for every class. However, teachers must prepare for class by reviewing the class materials beforehand. Teachers may preview class materials in the classroom on the teacher portal 6-12 hours in advance.

Interview: required.


As an independent contractor, your payment or “service fee” is calculated on a per-class basis (scheduled in 30-minute slots) and is composed of a minimum pay between $7-9 + incentives. Your minimum pay will be determined by your demo class performance, while incentives by your monthly class participation and completion as a VIPKID teacher.

Apply here.

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